Experience Big Island, Hawai’i

The Big Island of Hawai'i is a paradise of unparalleled natural beauty and unique experiences. From breathtaking landscapes to cultural gems, this island offers a wealth of adventures for every traveler. Among these, one standout experience is the luxury picnic, but let's explore all five of the best things to savor on the Big Island! Don’t forget to always make it a point to learn about the culture and show respect to the land.

  • Volcano National Park: Witness the raw power of nature at Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park. Explore the Kīlauea and Mauna Loa volcanoes, where you can sometimes witness lava flows, and even visit the fascinating Thurston Lava Tube.

  • Stargazing at Mauna Kea: Atop Mauna Kea, the world's tallest mountain when measured from its base below sea level, lies a world-renowned stargazing site. Enjoy the awe-inspiring view of the night sky at the Mauna Kea Observatories for an unforgettable celestial experience. This is a very sacred place so please only go with respect and aloha.

  • Snorkeling at Kealakekua Bay: Dive into the crystal-clear waters of Kealakekua Bay, a marine sanctuary teeming with colorful fish and vibrant coral reefs. Snorkeling here is like entering a different world, with the added bonus of spotting spinner dolphins.

  • Hawaiian Cultural Experience: Immerse yourself in the island's rich cultural heritage at the Pu'uhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park. Explore the ancient Hawaiian temple grounds, royal fishponds, and authentic thatched huts, gaining insight into the island's history and traditions.

  • Unique Luxury Picnic Experience: Elevate your visit with a unique luxury picnic on the Big Island with Mālama Luxury Picnics. Choose a secluded beach, black sand beach, or a scenic overlook, and indulge in a custom spread prepared just for you. This personalized experience offers the ultimate in relaxation and culinary delight, with stunning views as your backdrop.

Whether you're drawn to the fiery allure of volcanoes, the mysteries of the cosmos, the underwater wonders, the island's rich heritage, or the luxury of a private picnic, the Big Island of Hawai'i has something extraordinary for every traveler. Make your visit unforgettable by immersing yourself in these five must-experience delights.


A Taste of Heaven